Sharing files and folder in Google Drive is easy if you know where to look. Note that sharing files via Google Drive is different than Google Shared Folders. These instructions apply to Google Drive. For instructions on sharing with Google Shared Folders, see this (documentation coming soon).

  1. Locate the folder you'd like to share. In this example, we're going to share a folder called "Canadian Musicians." Right-click or control-click on the folder.
  2. Select "Share"

Let's unpack this next screen.

  1. If permissions are OK (see #2), it's as easy as entering the address of the person/people you'd like to invite and sending the invite (see next screenshot).
  2. Take note at this subtle, yet very important wording. Typically we want access to be "restricted." That means only people who've explicitly been invited can access this file/folder. You may click the "change link to...."  to change these settings, but only if you really intend to loosen permissions. (See more info on this below.)
  3. This widget gives owners of files a little extra power. Click it and you can uncheck the option to allow your invitees to invite additional people.

Once you've enter the address(es) of your invitee(s) in #1 above, you'll see this screen.

  1. Allows you to optionally notify via email. Uncheck to not send an email to the invitee(s). If you don't, the file/folder will simply show up in their "Shared with Me" section of Google Drive.
  2. Optional message if you do choose to notify invitee(s).
  3. Permissions of the invitee(s). An editor basically has keys to the kingdom of your file/folder. Viewers can only view and not change anything.
  4. Optionally prevent new "editor" level invitees from inviting additional people.
  5. Send when ready.

If the person you're inviting doesn't have a Google or G Suite account, you'll likely receive the following message. You'll want to click "Share Anyway" assuming you really do want to share with this person.

If you click on the "change link to..." option above, here are your options:

In general, you won't want to change these settings, but rather use the option above to invite specific people. There may be instanced where you need to loosen access and send a link.

1: Your various link options:

  • Restricted: only people who've explicitly been invited can access with the link.
  • inDinero: anyone in your organization with the link can access
  • Anyone with the link: anyone in the whole wide internet who receives the link can click and access. Use this only when you really mean it.

2: What level of access you're providing with the link:

  • Viewer: person with the link can only view the content, not change it.
  • Editor: person with the link has keys to the kingdom and can change or delete content.

3: Copy the link so you can send it to your intended recipients whatever way you choose (email, slack, SMS....)

For instructions on how to accept an invite, see these instructions. This may be a good link to share with people you're inviting so they know what to expect.