Got something on your Synology server you want to share with the outside world? No need to upload to Dropbox or Google Drive first! Instead, securely share something directly from your Synology server. 

First, head to your Synology's URL in your favorite web browser. Don't know what this is? Ask the Bionic Cat and we'll let you know. 

Once logged in, use File Station to navigate to the file or folder you'd like to share.

Right click on the file or folder in the right-hand pane. (It doesn't see to work if you select from the left hand pane.)

Choose "Share"

Copy the "Shared Link" URL and click "Save."

Optional: you can tick the "Enable Secure Sharing" to require a password to open the link.

Optional: click the "validity period" button to make the link expire after a certain amount of time or number of downloads.

Create an email or otherwise share the link you copied above and your recipient will be able to access the file or folder directly from your server.