Greetings WDMers!


You can now access your server data wherever you have access to the internet, be it on your computer while in the office, from any web browser or your smart phone. Heres how:


For access on your Mac via the Finder, use the handy shortcut located under the Bionic Cat icon. Note that if you're out of the office, you first need to connect to VPN. Log in with your username & password. Your username is your first initial + your last name. For example: jlennon. If you don’t know your password, email and we’ll get you sorted.

To access via a browser, open up your favorite web browser and head to:


You can then access File Station” on the left hand side to see all your files. You can also do fancy things like share big files with outside folks ala YouSendIt or Dropbox using this interface. If youre interested in that feature, let us know and we'll give you the quick run down.


For access from your iOS or Android device, head to the App Store or Googles Play store and look for DSFile by Synology. This is the application you want to download an install. Once installed, when prompted for an address, use:


Make sure "https“ is on, enter the same username and password  and tap login.”


More than just accessing your files remotely, you can use this app to create secure links to send files or folders to others who don't have an account on your server.